Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Online Video

U tube is just so fantastic!!! - Love it so much ....could sit for hours and watch anything under the sun on anything I could possibly imagine searching for, there'll be something on it that is highly entertaining to watch!... What a great way to show our Library off, by having someone film the interior and exterior of the building, to entice new members to come along and join up and see what we have to offer them...

I have just seen on our Wiki another great use for U Tube/Online Video .... by using it as a way to communicate to staff  how beneficial our new disk machine cleaner is, as there is a U Tube clip placed on our Wiki page on the workings of the disk repair machine, hopefully smoothing out any concerns some of the staff may have had, with regards to the cleaning/repairing of the disks...

Face book & Twitter

I can see how Face book can be helpful for some Companies to have their staff use a COMPANY face book site and hop on it once a day to talk with other people, or write comments on it, to build interest & building rapport and maintaining that interest within that company (if there is something that the company is pushing)... I guess it could work within the library if we wanted to share reviews of books or talk about new titles we have added to our collection We can shoot messages out on our facebook page to all the people who have signed up on us, who of course will be interesting in knowing about new updated info such as this.It was fun to make my own personal face book page up, as up to now I only knew about it, but did not have a page... I can see how adictive it can be....oh O!

However, with regards TWITTER, I'm not as sure how this can benifit the library as much, as there are many other (and more heavily used by the demographic that use our library), of electronic forms, that would be better to promote the library (and what is going on in the library), like a blog for example, than I think TWITTER would be, as I think with TWITTER you get alot of unnecessary information on it from people writing whatever comes into their heads, that really should just stay in their heads!!!!
But it was interesting anyway though to see how it all works...


Our Guest speakers would benifit I think hugely from using Podcasts to advertise their book or self promote themselves before doing a Guest Speaker Event here at the Library.

How clever is this - I never knew little Lego men were so adaptive!

YAY for "Library Thingy" Bookmarking!!! & Delicious

It's a great place to get reviews on books - check mine out!... http://www.librarything.com/catalog/bobbibrown


Yes I know I'm excited about them....but maybe a little too excited, but really, how great that you can get updated information sent straight to you, rather than you having to search around all your favourite websites finding out the latest, most up to date information, and finding out that there is none & you wasted all that time searching for it..... It will just come to you when it's at hand & is surrent ! I like that....